Company Name: Clinical Services Journal ( Step Communications )
Booth Number: B22
Stand Manager: Dean Walford
Contact Number: 01892 779999
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Company Address: North Farm Road, Tunbridge Well, Kent TN2 3DR
Country: United Kingdom
Product Categories : Healthcare Publication
Company description : The Clinical Services Journal (CSJ) provides independent, incisive coverage of a broad spectrum of clinical topics, including the development and use of Medical Devices in both NHS and Private hospitals.
CSJ will be looking to review theagenda and seminars at the event, as well as the latest innovations showcased by exhibitors. The journal regularly provides expert opinion, guidance and thought leadership on key issues affecting the use of Medical Devices in all hospital departments. With an exceptional 11,000 readership, targeting 100% of all NHS Trusts and Private hospitals in UK & Ireland, come and speak to the team to discover how CSJ can help market your products - or simply come along and register for your FREE copy.