Company Name: Estudios Mega S.L.
Booth Number: A03
Stand Manager: Ana Aurora Villalba
Contact Number: +34 633 39 73 21
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Company Address: Calle Santa Marta, 5
Country: Spain
Product Categories :

Hospital management software
Asset management
Facility management
Logistics management
Computarised Management System (CMS)

Company description : We are a software firm specialised in the development of solutions for the Management of Assets, Services and Logistics.
All our solutions are comercialised under the umbrella trade mark Mansis XXI, structured in the following main modules:
  • msAssets. Asset management (fixed and non-fixed assets): equipment, infrastructures and premises, including the management and monitoring of all the processes they are subject to, such as maintenance
  • msFacilities. Services management (i.e. cleaning, security, maintenance services...), including supplier contract monitoring and service level indicators follow-up.
  • msLogis. Warehouse and purchase departments management. It allows automatisation and integration with carousel systems, RFID...

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