This spot-check-monitor expands your range of medical services. The seca mVSA 535 is our spot-check-monitor and also one of the EMR-ready seca products, can transmit measurements and receive height and weight from connecte ...
The Dopplex ABility has revolutionised the ABI process and provides automatic, easy, fast and accurate measurements with an immediate printout of results from the integral printer or optional DR4 software package. Requires mini ...
The Huntleigh Sonicaid range of Fetal monitors delivers innovative world-class obstetric solutions for midwives and obstetricians. Our extensive range allows monitoring throughout pregnancy in all environments.Stylishly designed ...
Visual confirmation of sound enhances clinical assessment.With over 30 years’ experience in vascular assessment our latest technological innovations have enabled us to develop a new digital platform for our latest range of Doppl ...
Our NEW range of Digital Handheld Dopplers have been designed specifically to assist clinicians improve outcomes and efficiencies in maternity careWith over 40 years’ experience in fetal monitoring our technological innovations ...
ELISA SERIES ICU VENTILATORSNow with many options such as VIT Cuffscout PEEPFinder WeaningAnalyser VIT – Ventilator Integrated Tomography is the world‘s first fully integrated EIT system in an intensive care ven ...
Welch Allyn Connex Spot Monitor (CSM)Best in class vital signs, advanced patient safety features and seamless connectivity. Key clinical benefits Utilises industry leading technology for superior accuracy SureBP® technology ...
For almost 100 years Welch Allyn has been helping frontline caregivers treat more patients, more efficiently. We have the range of diagnostic devices that will help you overcome problems, be more productive and give you ...
Its been 50 years since the launch of the world’s first commercially available non-invasive fetal monitor, developed in collaboration between Professor Konrad Hammacher and HP Medical, now part of Philips. Since then, we h ...
Welch Allyn can offer a fully managed service which will provide hospitals with the most up-to-date thermometry solution. Welch Allyn are able to offer high quality devices for tympanic, oral and axillary temperature measurem ...