I would say that there's plenty of work about in the UK at the moment. Just take a look at the Jobs listed in the right-hand panel of this page, and also those advertised by the agents under the Jobs menu on the home page.
"Med & Dent" people leaving the Forces are at a premium, Stew, and generally get snapped up in pretty short order. You'll find that, as far as you're concerned, it's a sellers' market (and you should have no problems in finding work). Don't underestimate how long it takes to adjust to life in civvy street, however (about four years, I reckon)!
My advice is to sit down and really ask yourself what it is you see yourself doing. For instance, do you want to settle down to working in an NHS hospital, or could you handle spending most of your time on the road (literally) as a field service engineer? Are you looking for strictly
hands-on work, or something more in the management line? It might be better to take some time off, travel around a bit, and meet a few people before being tempted into signing up to the first offer that comes along.
More from Uncle Geoff later ...