One of my dear old friends has done the sensible thing and left the shores of this Sceptred Isle for good. But unlike myself (who has had a number of "major sort outs" over the years), it seems that he has been a bit of a hoarder.
Twenty plus years ago we were partners in a business, and my mate has done the "British" (that is,
noble) thing and returned to me some of the stuff that was originally mine, with the upshot that I now have a few things that can, I feel (and at long last), be "let go".
In particular, there is a set of
Health Equipment Information pamphlets that need a good home. Numbers 91 (that’s March 1981) to 165 (March 1987), in fact.
For those unfamiliar with HEI’s, these were a useful source of information about medical equipment, published by the (then) DHSS. Of course, many NHS biomed sheds will already have their own vast library of similar tomes lying about (and taking up valuable space)!
Why would anyone want these now (I hear you ask)? Well, the "evaluation" issues (a bit like the road tests that we used to see in old car and motor bike magazines, but on medical equipment) are worth a read, at least. In fact, glancing at them now, I had better put them away if I'm not to have another day frittered away (I already have a ton of reading to do about
other "interesting" kit)!
These could well be so-called "collectors’ items" for all I know, or of special interest to those interested in "classic medical equipment" ... are there any such sad people about (apart from myself, of course)? They are in pretty good condition, and arranged in a set of five half-size lever arch binders. I doubt that they would sell on eBay (but who knows). Anyway, if anybody wants to call in at Rotherham and take them away, they’re more than welcome (just send a PM).