Some of above posts remind me of a nice cartoon that an Egyptian biomed once showed me:-
It was labeled "The Biomed". If you can imagine an "atlas" type figure, down on one knee, back stooped and carrying the whole hospital on his shoulders ... well, no doubt you get the idea.
@Billy: how can that be? Surely the nurses all have degrees now, just like the doctors? But (when all else fails) don't forget:- "Monkey see, monkey do"!
@Dave: Public Sector staff in the UK don't get fired. Instead "lessons get learned", don't you know.
@Dave: yes, many "adjustments" (in plain English:- looking the other way whilst standards of care have fallen) have been made to accommodate the overwhelming numbers of immigrants who have been "welcomed" to these shores. And not only in the healthcare sector. If apologies are due, then surely they should be coming from successive so-called "governments" who have sold us down the river!
But fear not! For the way things are looking just at the moment, they'll need to be bringing back conscription soon. At least that might make a start in sorting the wheat from the chaff, especially if all those with "right to remain" are included (in which case, stand by for a mass exodus)!