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operating theatreThe Commercial Medicines Unit (CMU) has awarded a national framework agreement for Nitric Oxide Therapy to be used by trusts in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The framework agreement will commence on 1st April 2016 and is for a 24 month period with options to extend for up to a further 24 month period.


Scope of the framework
The products and services included in this framework agreement are described as Nitric Oxide therapy and this includes the gas, nitric oxide, which is supplied in cylinders, delivery devices, maintenance and some disposables and calibration gases. This was awarded following extensive consultation by CMU with stakeholders included clinicians, technicians, nursing staff and medical engineering staff.

The framework has been split into two lots:

  • Lot 1     A complete system to deliver nitric oxide therapy that includes nitric oxide in cylinders, delivery and monitoring devices and all ancillary equipment and consumables
  • Lot 2   Monitoring and delivery devices for use in aircraft and ambulances (transferring patients) only

Conditions of Contract
The NHS conditions of contract for the purchase of goods (May 2015), supply of services (May 2015) and purchase of pharmaceuticals (Oct 2012) were used within the ITO (Invitation to Offer). Copies of these documents are available from CMU if required.


Participating Trusts
A list of all participating authorities can be found on the CMU website:


This framework can also be accessed by trusts in Wales and Northern Ireland.


Supplier Information
Supplier specific information obtained during the ITO that trusts may find useful can be found in the following appendices:

  • Appendix 1 – BTG Gases
  • Appendix 2 – InoTherapeutics Ltd.
  • Appendix 3 – SLE


CMU Contact Details
For further information regarding this framework, please contact:
David Ford
Procurement Specialist, CMU
Tel: 01928 755224
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