Venue: Marshall Arena, Stadium MK, Milton Keynes.

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Attendance is free for all conference delegates and exhibition visitors.

uk based eventPlease note that this is a UK based event.
Please do not register if you are unable to travel to the UK.

ebme expo delegates 2The Electronic and Biomedical Equipment (EBME) conference and exhibition started in 2009, as a way of improving healthcare through the sharing and application of knowledge from experienced professionals involved in the use, maintenance, and management of healthcare technology.  This educational event has grown in numbers of delegates, exhibitors and speakers.  It remains a sponsored event, but is independent of any one commercial company.

Following on from the success of the 2019 EBME Expo, and after considering feedback from our delegates and exhibitors, our 11th conference and exhibition will be held once again at the Marshall Arena, Stadium MK.  This location will be familiar to previous visitors, as it is still at Stadium MK (home to the MK Dons Football Club), where we have held the seminar since 2012.

The EBME Expo 2020 will feature a conference and exhibition, with well-known, distinguished speakers in the conference hall, and innovative and internationally respected companies in the exhibition hall. There will be a range of both large and smaller exhibition spaces available, to enable all types of companies to come and demonstrate their innovative new products.

The 2020 EBME Expo will be open to delegates for 2 days with the focus being on innovations in medical equipment technology and maintenance on day one, and medical equipment management, procurement, and training on day two. The two-day programme will allow delegates to understand the latest improvements in healthcare technology and management across a range of professional areas and offer numerous opportunities for informal networking.

Our conference programme will feature eight speaker sessions each day, concentrating on understanding how technology can deliver improved patient outcomes at lower costs.  Besides this, there will be three workshops each day in the break out areas, and we expect many of our exhibitors to provide technical demonstrations. 

The aim of the event is to share knowledge and improve awareness, thereby assisting healthcare organisations to become safer and more efficient.

We have been working with our event partner 'BtoB events', to further improve the experience at this new, larger location.  Notably, attendance is now free for all attendees, refreshments will be available to purchase on site for those who do not have them included, and we have contracted with a specialist registration company to ensure a sleeker and more efficient registration experience. 

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Continuing Professional Development

Each attending conference delegate will receive a certificate for their continuing professional development (CPD) record. This educational seminar meets CPD requirements for the NHS knowledge and skills framework (KSF): 'Core dimensions 2, 4 & 5’.

Central Location

Situated in Milton Keynes, within easy access of the M1 and Milton Keynes Train station, the Marshall Arena is an impressive venue built into Stadium MK, a 30,500 seat stadium, which is also home to MK Dons Football Club and the 304 bedroom DoubleTree by Hilton Milton Keynes.

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More information about the 2020 EBME Expo can be found at:


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