draeger medical

Introducing PartnerCare

partnercare from Drager Medical


PartnerCare is a new flexible service solution from Drager Medical which is tailored to suit you. 

We listened to our Biomedical Engineering customers discussing their needs and as a result PartnerCare was born.  We understand that some Trusts would like to service their own medical equipment, with PartnerCare, we offer training and support to give the Biomed the understanding and confidence required to service our devices.

PartnerCare offers full technical training courses to give the Biomed the knowledge on the device and the skills to maintain the device in-house.  PartnerCare also offers a contract on top of the training which covers all standard inclusions, such as delivery of maintenance parts, technical support and access to the Dr?ger online portal ServiceConnect.  The contact may also include other options such as Remote Service Link or perhaps software upgrades if required.

To find out more, call us on 01442 213542, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.draeger.co.uk


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