Prize Competition: EBME / Clinical Engineering Team of the Year 2009

Press Release

Now in its second year, the Clinical Engineering Team of the Year Award, supported by an educational grant from Welch Allyn, aims to recognise the valuable contribution clinical engineers make to the healthcare industry.
We are looking for examples of team projects, both small and large, that have made a difference to your department or hospital. This competition is open to all groups of clinical engineers working in a healthcare environment and will recognise teams of unlimited numbers.
Why enter? Well, in addition to the admiration and respect of your peers, the prize will consist of:
1. ?2000 of Welch Allyn equipment to the winning workplace
2. An educational fund of ?1000 for each team to spend within their department for the overall benefit of the team
3. Complimentary dinner and accommodation the night before the awards ceremony for your team at the ?National Completing the Picture? Educational Symposium in June 2009. Entry form available here. Closing date for applications: Friday 8th May 2009

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