Williams Medical Supplies is pleased to announce the launch of its Test & Calibration service for hospitals.

Our service can support existing hospital engineering departments throughout the UK by providing fully trained and self sufficient bio-medical engineers.With our unrivalled customer service and team of experienced engineers, Williams Medical Supplies is a company you can rely on and trust to support your department.

We are able to offer you full asset management integration into your hospital databases with flexibility around your departmental workloads.

Brian Jolly, Medical Devices Manager, North Yorkshire NHS Trust said: I was happy to use Williams Medical Supplies for the servicing of our medical equipment due to the professionalism of their team and the flexibility they could offer around equipment testing with experienced technicians and fitting in to our requirements with hardly any supervision.   I would highly recommend them to other Trusts that could use the service they offer.
We realise there is a need for support from a company like Williams Medical Supplies within hospital engineering departments.  We have the knowledge, expertise and experience to deliver a flexible solution to any increases in workloads. said Ian Way, Test & Calibration Manager, Williams Medical Supplies.

For more information please view our Test & Calibration Hospital brochure or contact us on 01685 845555.

Alternatively visit www.wms.co.uk/medical services for further information.



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