Originally Posted By: Paul Allum
[quote=Ivor D.]

it is almost certain that "Clinical Technologist" will not become a registered and protected title.

technology careers.

All though this may be true, as I have said time and time again, it's the function of the person that will possibly become registered.
This will be backed up with the statement
" Clinical tech. or anyone who carries out the function of the Clinical Tech. is required to be registered, and no registered clinical tech must knowingly work with an unregistered person carrying out this function"
This is simular to wording they have used in the past.
This shows it makes no difference what you call yourself.

My wife is a dental Nurse but you still have to be registered to be a chairside assistant, a dental assistant or any other variant to do the job legally, and the dentist is just as likely legally to be blame for permitting the unregistered person to act as a dental nurse as the un registered dental nurse.