CUBEScan BioCon 700 Bladder scanner
Bladder scanners are becoming routinely used in both the hospital and community setting to help reduce unnecessary urinary catheterisations and help fight UTI's (HCAI).
The BioCon 700 bladder scanner is an easy to use, battery operated ultrasound scanner for determining bladder volume and urinary retention in both adults and children. It is now is one of the most popular scanners on the market being the choice of many, many NHS trusts in the UK.
- Competitive price
- 2 year warranty
- Engineered for accuracy
- 7" colour touch screen
- Simple to use
- Built in tutorial
- Battery operated
- National support team
- Adopted by many NHS trusts
SIMPLE UP Radiography patient lift platform
The demand for weight bearing x-rays of hips, knees, feet and ankles, presents many challenges for both patients and Radiographers.
The simple-Up™ is a Radiography patient lift platform, which allows the Radiographer to elevate the patient to a practical working height, easily and safely removing the risk of falls, offering greater flexibility for patient positioning and improve posture and positioning for the radiographer.
- Mobile (batter operated)
- Simple concept and operation
- Removes risk of patient injury
- Improves working posture for staff
- Improve patient satisfaction
- Meet H & S at work legislation
- Remove risk of litigation
- Potentially improves workflow
- LOLER compliant
All our products are supported by our national sales and support team and a range of service contract options. Technical training courses are available allowing you to offer in-house support and attract a spare parts discount. De Smit Medical is an ISO 9001 registered company.
De Smit Medical systems Ltd, Unit 15, Falcons Gate, Dean Road, Yate, Bristol. BS37 5NH 0845 3454226 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.