SLE logoSLE supports EBME departments


SLE specialises in neonatal ventilation, and is famous for the very successful SLE2000 and SLE5000 ventilators. However, the company also supplies a complete range of ancillary products to support hospital engineers in maintaining their ventilators.

certifier FA PlusThese include the TSI Certifier FA and TSI Certifier FA Plus. The Certifier FA and FA Plus are full-featured system capable of testing virtually all models of ventilators: adult, paediatric, anaesthesia, neonatal and high-frequency.


They can also test a variety of other medical equipment such as anaesthesia gas delivery machines, insufflators and oxygen concentrators.

Theirs compact size makes these ventilator testers ideal for use in field service, biomedical shops, and manufacturing. The fast response and bi-directional sensing sensors makes them capable of testing all types of ventilators including neonatal and high frequency.

neo2 blender


SLE is also the UK distributor for the NeO2 Air/Oxygen blender. The uniquely designed, stand alone, gas saving blender is designed for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and optionally comes with two integral flowmeters.


The flowmeter on the left side is for flows from 1 to 15 l/min. The optional right-hand side flowmeter is available in three different flows. Unlike other blenders, the NEO2 Blend allows you to turn off the low flow gas bleed without disconnecting anything from the blender, thus saving time, aggravation, gas and ultimately money. This means the blender is always ready to use.

In the UK SLE has also carved itself a niche as a supplier of transport incubators (both for inter-hospital use, and intra-hospital use) having become the distributor for International Biomedical a few years ago. These new incubators have been well received in the UK where babies are often moved between departments and hospitals. For over 35 years International Biomedical has been designing and manufacturing infant and paediatric transport systems for leading hospitals and transport teams around the world. These systems provide the transport community with the most innovative and advanced solutions to accommodate all modes of transport.


Their customised solutions begin with a broad selection of standard products that may be modified and combined to meet the specific challenges of the different transport environments. They are built to order and can include ventilators, monitors, pumps, suction and nitric oxide devices from a range of manufacturers.
SLE can be reached on 020 8681 1414 for further information or to arrange demonstrations.



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