Supporting Safer Medication in NHS Hospitals with B. Braun Space Online Suit software platform for Space infusion pumps


B BraunInfusion devices connectivity and IT integrations into hospital network and Clinical Information System is recognise to be the next step to optimising the IV Therapy process and improving patient safety.


The B. Braun Space OnlineSuite (SpOS) is the software platform of Space infusion pumps and offers a variety of application packages (see picture) to support IT integration and IV therapy process optimisation.
Due to the use of standardized technologies, the SpOS can be integrated simply into an existing hospital IT environment.

In the last years dozen of hospitals using Space pumps implemented SpOS, most popular application package being DoseGuard (the B. Braun Drug Error Reduction System).


Other hospitals (e.g. Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge) decided to go forward implementing the whole SpOS package as they found it extremely beneficial to both patients and staff on Paediatric Intensive Care Unit

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