Neonatal Resuscitation with Optimal Cord Clamping
The first moments of life can present a real dilemma for clinical staff. Although there is clear evidence of the benefit of optimal cord clamping, most guidelines state that priority should be given to resuscitation of the infant. The Inspiration Healthcare LifeStart™ System enables both to be achieved simultaneously, making it practical to resuscitate the infant with the cord intact.
The LifeStart™ SystemDesigned with input from experienced paediatricians, midwives and obstetricians the LifeStart™ allows the infant to be placed in the correct position for optimal cord clamping for all types of birth: natural, assisted, or Caesarean section while its unique and ergonomic design ensures clinical staff have the necessary access to the infant during resuscitation.
The optional CosyTherm™ system provides optimum thermoregulation for the management of hypothermia in the post natal period: its high performance and simple operation make it a perfect choice for the delivery suite and neonatal unit.
An in-built timer, with bright, clear, backlit display allows staff to easily track the time period with the cord intact and gives a clear alert after each of the first three minutes following delivery. This helps to optimise treatment by giving a clear reference of the clamping time so that accrued benefit to the infant can be estimated, particularly in difficult situations.
Electrically operated foot pedals allow the nursing platform to be easily positioned at the correct height for delivery and adjusted as necessary. Foot pedal operation ensures hands are kept free and aseptic techniques are not compromised.
Accessible mounting rails allow integration of common resuscitation devices: suction, blender, and t-piece resuscitators – all of which are available through Inspiration Healthcare. Auxiliary mains power outlets are provided in case there is a need to interface other equipment such as a pulse oximeter.
• Comprehensive resuscitation capability
• Stable platform to aid resuscitation
• Optional CosyThermNT neonatal warming system*
• Adjustable height to suit all types of deliveries: natural, assisted, or Caesarean section
• In-built timer tracks clamping time
• Easy integration of suction, t-piece resuscitator
Ergonomic design
• Easily manoeuvrable
• Anatomically shaped platform for placement of infant
• Compact footprint for easy positioning
• Simple, hands-free height adjustment
Versatile system
• Standard rails for ancillary equipment
• User choice of suction & resuscitation
*CosyTherm sold separately