Masimo Root Wins the GOLD 2015 Medical Design Excellence Award

Masimo Root® patient monitoring and connectivity platform has received the GOLD 2015 Medical Design Excellence Award — the highest award given in the general hospital devices and therapeutic products category.

Root comes with a dock for the Radical-7® handheld monitor or Radius-7® wearable monitor, an intuitive display, and multiple networking/connectivity options. Root integrates multiple streams of data on an easy-to-read, touch-screen.

Root innovations include:
•    MOC-9™ – Flexible measurement expansion through Masimo Open Connect™ (MOC-9™) with MOC-9 modules from Masimo or third-party measurement by other companies to expand the platform’s measurements and capabilities. New MOC-9 modules in the U.S. will require new 510(k) clearances
•    ISA™ Capnography – CO2 sidestream module featuring fast warm-up time and the innovative and cost-effective Nomoline™ sampling line
•    SedLine® brain function monitoring module, which provides four channels of EEG to help clinicians better understand the effects of anesthesia on the brain
•    Iris™ connectivity gateway designed to provide integration for standalone devices such as IV pumps, ventilators, hospital beds, and other patient monitors. Iris enables Root to intake data from all devices connected to the patient, acting as an in-room patient monitor and connectivity hub. Alarms and alerts for all devices are seamlessly forwarded to the patient’s clinician and all device data are effortlessly documented in the patient’s electronic medical record
•    Wireless functionality – Capable of transmitting information through Bluetooth and WiFi.

Masimo rootRoot can accommodate Radical-7 or Radius-7, the first and only wearable, wireless monitor with Masimo’s breakthrough rainbow® SET® technology, to measure blood oxygenation, pulse rate, and rainbow® acoustic monitoring (RAM™) through acoustic respiration rate (RRa®). Radius-7 offers patients continuous monitoring while providing freedom of movement, allowing hospitals to optimize capacity by getting patients out of bed faster. Studies have shown that patient mobility is a key factor in more rapid patient recovery.1

The Medical Design Excellence Awards competition ( ) is organized and presented by UBM Canon and is the only awards program that exclusively recognizes contributions and advances in the design of medical products. Entries are evaluated on the basis of their design and engineering features, including innovative use of materials, user-related functions that improve healthcare delivery and change traditional medical attitudes or practices, features that provide enhanced benefits to the patient, and the ability of the product development team to overcome design and engineering challenges so that the product meets its clinical objectives. A comprehensive review of the entries was performed by an impartial, multidisciplinary panel of third-party jurors with expertise in biomedical engineering, human factors, industrial design, medicine, and diagnostics.

“We are honored to have Root receive the GOLD MDEA-winning product,” said Joe Kiani, Founder and CEO of Masimo. “We hope Root will eliminate barriers to entry for innovative products and barriers to interoperability and help automate patient care with its open and scalable architecture.”

1 Needham D, Korupolu R, Zanni J, Pradhan P, Colantuoni E, Palmer J, Brower R, Fan E. “Early Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation for Patients With Acute Respiratory Failure: A Quality Improvement Project.” Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Vol 91, Issue 4, PP 536–542, April 2010



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