Company Name: EDAN UK
Booth Number: C 09
Stand Manager: Cliff Juby
Contact Number: 07785 505560
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Company Address: 38 Charter Gate
Country: United Kingdom
Product Categories : Fetal Monitoring Cardiology Patient Monitoring
Company description : EDAN UK was formed on the 27th October 2017 by acquiring Sulis Healthcare, the then UK Distributor. The acquisition will enable EDAN Instruments, a world leading manufacturer of medical equipment, to establish a UK base from which to grow their international standing and development. EDAN are a leading manufacturer of Obs&Gyn, Cardiology, Ultrasound, POCT Blood Gas Analysis and Patient Monitoring products. They are currently active in 163 countries across the globe and are the largest manufacturer of Fetal Monitors in the world. The HQ is in Shenzhen China with additional R&D facilities in California USA, Germany and India. Through these centres and strategic acquisitions EDAN has patented numerous clinical technologies.

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