Company Name: Nihon Kohden UK Ltd
Booth Number: B35
Stand Manager: Diane barnes
Contact Number: 07543183411
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Company Address: 118 Trident Court Chessington KT9 1BD
Country: UK

Product Categories : Patient Monitoring Cardiology Resuscitation Neurology
Company description : Nihon Kohden is Japan's largest medical device company renowned the world over for innovation, reliability and engineering quality, we have been manufacturing medical devices for more than 60 years. Supplying hospitals around the world with advanced medical equipment our product range focuses on patient monitoring, cardiology (ECG equipment and defibrillators) as well as neurology (EEG, EMG and EP). Please come along to our stand to see our new r ange of patient monitors and CerebAir the award winning easy to apply wireless EEG headset for Neuromonitoring.

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