If you have any events you'd like to share, please get in touch.

Date and Time
31 October 2018 - 18:00-21:00

London, United Kingdom - London - IET London: Savoy Place


18:25 Welcome
18:30 William James Award Winner Presentation (10 minutes followed by Q&A of 5 Minutes)
18:45 Dennis Hill Award Winner Presentation (10 minutes followed by Q&A of 5 Minutes)

Keynote Speaker: Dr Peter Young MD, FRCA, MB ChB, Consultant, Critical Care, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King's Lynn

Topic: “Engineering safety into medicine”

19:45 Question and answer session

Networking, drinks and canapés

21:00 Event close

Organised by the Healthcare Technologies TPN. Contact Poppy Seamarks at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on +44 (0)1438 767304 for more information.


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