Organised by IPEM's Clinical Engineering Special Interest Group in collaboration with IHEEM and NPAG
Clinical Engineering is a wide ranging profession and those new to the profession often take time to adapt to the hospital environment and the many equipment types and hence testing regimes which forms the fundamental basis of their work.
Although apprenticeship programmes are now available for this profession, very little exists in terms of affordable training events for those whom recently joined the profession.
IPEM, in collaboration with IHEEM and NPAG feel it is important to provide training and education opportunities for new medical device maintenance staff, and this event aims to bridge the gap between the technical work undertaken and the clinical setting.
Using a blend of experts from NHS trusts, commercial training providers and equipment suppliers, the event will cover topics such as:
- Application of Health & Safety practices to assure safe medical device provision and use
- The Role of the MHRA
- CPD and Professional Registration
- Physiological Measurements
- Electrical Safety Testing
- Medical Gas Testing
- Weighing scales Testing
This event is a must for technical staff working up to band 4 in Clinical Engineering/EBME departments across the UK.
This event is available at a reduced rate of £95 for members of IPEM and IHEEM.
In some instances membership of IPEM and IHEEM is free and will allow you to benefit from the reduced member rate. Please read membership notes carefully. Please note membership must have been completed (including payment if applicable) before registration can be made. If membership hasn't been completed 2 weeks before the event then full non member rate payment will be required by the individual delegate.
Non-member registration fee: £195
This conference will take place in central Birmingham. Details to follow.
If you have any queries, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or tel: 01904 550598.