Where we are Today?
Tuesday 18th September 2018, Wolverhampton Racecourse
The event programme will focus on updating delegates on issues which are particularly pertinent today. Several presentations are about further developing agenda items raised during last year’s membership period.
Both the Clinical Engineering (CE) Best Value Groups and annual conference are well established. Each year new Trusts have joined and are geographically well dispersed within the NHS. With more and more budget restraining issues the Departments need to support the flow of information from devices into digitised Patient Records to improve efficiency and safety.
Items need to be tracked and always available for efficient usage. Trust Boards need assurance that equipment is being managed effectively. Departments also need to ensure they are appropriately accredited for the service provided.
As significant numbers of the current senior NHS CE staff are fast approaching retirement then it is important that maximum usage of the Apprentice levy is taken up. More junior staff continue to update their knowledge base with CPD endorsed seminars and training days.
Please contact Gemma Aitchison for details or to secure your place:
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