The growing importance of Signal and Image Processing with Machine Learning in Emerging Medical Applications
Lecture - Thu 20 September 2018 at 18:30
Speakers: Dr. Geoff Spence and Dr. Abbas Al Shimary, Creavo Medical Technologies
Date and Time
20 September 2018 - 18:30-21:00
Coventry, United Kingdom - Coventry Uni. Engineering
In this lecture, we will illustrate how non-invasive sensing technologies can be used to detect and parameterise biological signals, normally masked by interference and noise, and these can be used to make inference about medical conditions.
We will introduce Vitalscan, a battery powered and portable MCG (Magnetocardiography) medical device that can be used in a routine and acute hospital setting whilst maintaining the accuracy and efficacy of the older technology SQUID devices.
This technology and approach can revolutionise front-line patient triage for chest pain including speeding up decision-making, offering better patient management and crucially saving time.
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