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Approved digital health and care app and website developers can now integrate NHS login into their products thanks to a new toolkit launched by NHS Digital.

NHS login has been developed to give patients a single swift and secure access to their healthcare information across all approved healthcare apps and platforms, wherever they see the NHS login button. This reduces the need for multiple logins and passwords.

Providers of digital services can now integrate NHS login into their platforms through the self-service toolkit. The toolkit has been developed and tested by NHS Digital working with developers.

Currently seven services currently have NHS login fully enabled – and many more are working towards integration. Services who wish to integrate NHS login into their platforms can use the toolkit to apply for NHS login accreditation.

Rebecca Jarratt, lead delivery manager at NHS Digital, said: “NHS login benefits patients by giving them secure access to their approved healthcare apps in a way that removes the need for multiple logins and passwords.

“We want to integrate as many digital services as possible, as quickly as possible to allow patients to take advantage of ease of access across to their apps.

“Feedback from suppliers has been that the NHS login integration process has a real sense of purpose and urgency on both sides, which was very gratifying.

“We were also told by another supplier that it’s been a breath of fresh air working in this way, and that they were pleasantly surprised at the responsiveness of the NHS login team.”


Source: NHS Digital


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