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comen hi tech solutionsThe hospital of the future may look quite different than hospitals nowadays. Rapidly evolving technology and growing consumerism, along with demographic and economic changes, are expected to shake up hospitals worldwide. Governments and hospitals should consider rethinking how to optimize inpatient and outpatient settings, how to best connect with consumers, and how to integrate digital technologies into traditional hospital services to truly create a health system without walls, including the construction of acute surgical wards, digital operating rooms, emergency care centers, and perioperative information management. Focus should be placed on a combination of hardware and software, with digital technology looking to optimize the patient experience by providing real-time access to medical knowledge and greatly improve the hospital's workflow. To this end, hospital executives should consider going digital—building an enterprise-wide digital strategy and weaving it into their organizational strategy, operations, and processes.

Hospitals that integrate digital solutions into broader organizational capabilities can improve their potential for long-term integration success. The core elements of COMEN’s digital strategy seeks to create a culture of digitalization in hospitals to improve care delivery by incorporating High-Tech medical devices that facilitates communication to enhance patient and staff experience and improve investor confidence in healthcare programs.


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