Improving Outcomes on the General Ward with Patient SafetyNetTM
- Remote Monitoring and Clinician Notification System
In a landmark study published in Anesthesiology in 2010, researchers found that continuously monitoring adult patients on a post-surgical floor at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center using Patient SafetyNet with Masimo bedside devices resulted in a 65% reduction of rapid response team activations and a 48% reduction in transfers back to the ICU. Following the initial implementation and positive results in one post-surgical ward, Patient SafetyNet with Masimo bedside devices was expanded to cover more than 200 inpatient beds in all medical and surgical units.
In subsequent articles published in the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Newsletter in 2012 and The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety in 2016, researchers reported that Patient SafetyNet enabled the facility, over a five-year period, to achieve their goal of zero preventable deaths or brain damage due to opioids, and over a ten-year period, maintain a 50% reduction in unplanned transfers and 60% reduction in rescue events, despite increases in patient acuity and occupancy.
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