Rigel Medical has upgraded its hand held combination vital sign simulator UNI-SIM http://www.rigelmedical.com/unisim, adding further functions to improve the scope of tests the instrument is able to perform.
The UNI-SIM was the first hand held simulator capable of undertaking six synchronised vital signs parameter tests simultaneously: NIBP, SpO2, ECG, temperature, IBP and respiration functionality tests.
It has been boosted with the addition of full 12-lead arrhythmias, ST elevation and depression settings and Atrial and Ventricular Pacer simulations. It also benefits from enhanced precision NIBP simulations, static pressure test settings and wider availability of compatible monitor types and simulation modes (O-curves).
The upgraded UNI-SIM will also continue to provide increasing compatibility with other SpO2 technologies such as Philips.
The simulator comes in a high quality, multi-functional sling-style carry case and can be integrated with the Rigel 288 hand-held electrical safety analyser, printer and barcode solution and pc-software package.
This additional capability and improved portability makes it easier for biomed service engineers to transport the instruments from job-to-job and configure test solutions by combining all vital signs with electrical safety testing at the same time.
The UNI-SIM and 288 is part of a comprehensive range of high performance specialist biomedical test equipment which can be customised to meet individual requirement. A selection of test equipment solutions and packages are also available upon request.
Rigel Medical is part of the Seaward Group, which is based at Bracken Hill, South West Industrial Estate, Peterlee, Co Durham SR8 2SW.
For more information, including pricing, contact our team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call +44 191 5878730.