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Completing the Picture is an annual educational symposium for medical physics personnel and biomedical engineers. Its aim is to improve knowledge and awareness of clinical and other issues which affect the industry both today and in the future.
The agenda for this year is almost complete and will include presentations about Imaging systems, medical ethics and a hands on session learning about the differences between Sp02 technologies. You will also have the opportunity to meet up with colleagues and friends from hospitals all over the UK during the networking breaks.
This unique experience is sponsored by an educational grant from Welch Allyn UK and the agenda will be submitted to the Insitute of Physics and Engineering in Mediciene (IPEM) UK for recognition.
Where: Westerwood Hotel and Golf Resort, Cumbernauld
When: Thursday 8th November 2012
What previous delegates had to say:
"Very Good, Will come again"
"Overall very impressed with the event. Very professionally set up and run"
"The workshop as in previous years was great"
"Good content on interesting subjects"
*9.30am Registration*
*9.50am Chairperson's Introduction* Bill Brash, Area Technical Manager, Medical Physics Department NHS Ayrshire & Arran
*10.00am Clinical Temperature Measurement: Precision, Error and Truth* Dr Chris Hacking, Head of Clinical Engineering, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
*10.40am Who's Life Should We Save?* Iain Brassington, Lecturer in Bio Ethics and Medical Law, University of Manchester
*11.20am Break*
*11.40am - Performance of Medical Imaging Systems - Getting a Clear Picture - Dr Michael Waller, Consultant Physicist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
*12.20 The Importance of Integration* Louise Parberry, Sales Engineer, InterSytems
*12.45pm Lunch*
*1.45pm Workshop: Oximetry Through Thick and Thin - Dr Max Jonas, Consultant Intensivist, Southampton Hospitals University Trust
*2.45pm Break*
*3.05pm Engineers Role in Device Training* Paul Lee, Medical Devices Training Manager, Singleton Hospital
*3.45pm Chairperson?s Closing Remarks*