If you have any departmental or Trust news you'd like to share, please get in touch.

London attackPraise for the police and NHS staff has poured in on social media with people posting messages of solidarity and using the hashtag #WeAreNotAfraid.

In the wake of the London attack many people have been quick to praise the bravery of the city's "heroes" - the emergency services and members of the public who rushed to help those in need.
Doctors and nurses were seen running from nearby St Thomas' Hospital to help those injured on Westminster Bridge while MP Tobias Ellwood was pictured giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to PC Keith Palmer, the officer stabbed by the attacker.
Another of those quickly on the scene outside Parliament was Dr Jeeves Wijesuriya, chairman of the junior doctors' committee at the British Medical Association, who had been talking to a regional BBC team when the events began to unfold.

Nanoelectronic Thread 1Researcher Dr. Luan and his interdisciplinary team from the University of Texas at Austin have developed an ultra flexible nanoelectronic thread (NET) that has the potential to offer a new type of the long-term neural implants.

(A and B) As-fabricated NET-50 and NET-10 probes on substrates.

(C and D) Zoom-in views of two electrodes as marked by the dashed boxes in (A) and (B), respectively.

(G) A NET-50 probe suspended in water.

A knot is made with a curvature of less than 50 μm to illustrate its flexibility and robustness.

(H) Multiple NET-10 probes suspended in water.

Scale bars, 100 μm (A), 50 μm (B, G, and H), and 10 μm (C and D).


Jeremy Hunt - Health SecretaryThe Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has accepted that the health service in England is facing “completely unacceptable” problems, after a week of negative headlines about NHS performance and pressures.

In an interview with the BBC, Mr Hunt also admitted progress had been “disappointingly slow” in some areas, including integrating health and social care services.  The health secretary was speaking at the end of what the national broadcaster dubbed “NHS week”, in which it revealed a major new story each day on the state of the health service.

mri scan Prostate Cancer"Every man with suspected prostate cancer should have an MRI scan," The Guardian reports. That is the conclusion of a study looking at how well MRI scans compare with the current practice of biopsies; removing sections of prostate tissue for analysis.

Disadvantages of prostate biopsies include the fact that they can lead to a small risk of side effects, some of which can be serious, such as sepsis.

Researchers were looking at an advanced type of MRI scan, known as a multi-parametric MRI, which as well as looking at the shape and size of the prostate, can also assess other factors such as blood flow through the gland.

Manager defrauds NHSNotting Hill Police and the NHS Trust busted the manager in a joint investigation
By Amita Joshi

A hospital manager escaped jail after being caught using the NHS budget to pay for his personal wish-list of tools.

Nicky Irwin, an Electrical and Biomedical Engineering (EBME) Manager, was caught after he spent £3,746 of NHS money on goods "for his own private use".

The fraudster was given 175 hours of unpaid work at Isleworth Crown Court on Monday (January 16) after being caught by Notting Hill Police and counter fraud specialists.

He was also sentenced to 10 months’ imprisonment, suspended for 12 months.

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