The Authorised Senior Manager will ensure that adequate resources (both human and physical) are available to maintain continual improvements to the system and to ensure that customers are continually satisfied.


6.2.1 General
The EBME Manager will ensure that personnel are competent to carry out the functions allocated to them and that where appropriate, training needs are evaluated. He will also ensure that a satisfactory work environment is allocated to all workshop staff and also ensure that the working conditions and environment in the EBME department are acceptable. The EBME Manager will make random checks of the conditions under which staff are being employed, and if and when appropriate, he will document complaints and approach the workforce to find a satisfactory conclusion.



6.2.2. Competence, Awareness and Training

The Quality Assurance Manager will establish, document and maintain procedures to ensure that all personnel are properly trained before commencing any activity affecting Quality. Training needs for employees is an ongoing requirement of the Department. Where personnel have been trained, the effectiveness of the training and the competency at carrying out the tasks allocated will be constantly reviewed. The EBME Manager and the Chief Technologist will ensure that only personnel with the necessary training are employed in specialised areas. Personnel will be made aware of their relevance, contribution and importance to the department. Records of training will be kept on file.


The Authorised Senior Manager and the EBME Manager will ensure that sufficient information technology, storage space, test equipment, support services, and benches or workspace are available for all personnel.


The EBME Manager is responsible for ensuring that a satisfactory work environment exists taking into account staff potentials, safety rules, location, facilities, hygiene, risk analysis results and temperature.


The EBME Manager continually monitors the workmanship of all the departments' employees and for ensuring that environmental conditions meet acceptable standards.



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