Reference has been made to the following documents in the preparation of these notes.
- BS 5724 Part 1: 1989/IEC601-1:1988 - British Standard - Medical electrical equipment - Part 1. General requirements for safety
- IEC 60601-1 Third edition: 2005 - International standard - Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
- Health Equipment Information Number 95 (HEI95) August 1981: Code of practice for acceptance testing of medical electrical equipment (withdrawn Dec 1999)
- MDA Device Bulletin DB9801 Supplement 1: December 1999 - Checks and tests for newly delivered medical devices (replaced November 2006)
- MHRA Device Bulletin DB2006(05): Managing Medical Devices - Guidance for healthcare and social services organisations
- HSE memorandum of guidance on the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 (ISBN 0-11-883963-2)
- IEE Code of Practice for In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment (ISBN 0-85296-776-4)